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RE: The Governess

in #life3 years ago

Hey salty balls, isn't it baa baa rainbow sheep these days? It is here anyway. Wouldn't want to go recially vilifying sheep...Or confusing kids anymore than they are...I mean they don't know if they're male, female or other as it is.


They are confused these days. That's what they need, me infiltrating the works of this modern living and showing them the West that things should be!!

Fuck sake, that actually sounds terrible. I think I might quite whilst I am still ahead!! ;0)

Lol...Yeah, those kids are a lost cause mate...Just work on your own and prepare them for whats to come.

Lol. I will be training them to be survivalists!

Stop teasing me...Don't say it unless you mean it.

Hehe, s'true!!