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RE: The Governess

in #life3 years ago

You can show this article to the Good Lady...

we hadn't actually had any parmesan for months

Then ask her again ...

are you saying you would prefer it if I said I would teach the little blighters with my penis????

Soon, she'll be helping you with your labiaplasty. (I imagine yours would need a little nip/tuck)


I think mine might need a giant nip/tuck. They would need to use a literal spade to tuck me in!! :OD

You have the links to the worst content I have ever seen, It is like you have the links to all the worst things that go on in my head, LOL!


Coincidentally, I know someone who worked there ... so I heard the story first hand. Internally, they nick-named the investigation "Spunk Gate".

Hahaha, oh that's too good! That is right up my street naming wise

The media didn't touch on the fact that management didn't know whether it was just one target or where there were others. All folks in physical proximity to where spunky sat needed to get STD tested.

One of the advantages of working from home ... you never have to worry about this sort of thing happening.

Yeah, I do feel a certain comfort in not worrying about mad shit happening in the attic where I spend most of my life these days!

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