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RE: A Wobbly Post

in #life3 years ago

There are some about, I am thankful for my neighbours they are good sorts. My old place had fucking horrible neighbours. Messy manky intrusive bastards. I was glad to get away from that.

In a way it is almost a good thing as I have had to force myself to do loads of things I would normally get a dude in to do!


Nothing worse than bad neighbours.

Bad work Colleagues comes pretty close

Don't I know it. Also...Coffee and no donuts. Heinous.

Thats bloody outrageous. I am facing similar, coffee and no toast. What kind of breakfast is this? Although I am glad its not toast and no coffee!

Ye gods! Toast and no coffee makes my spine tingle...And not in a good way. Thankfully you have the coffee element, if not the toast.

Aye and it is just getting to the right temperature... aahhhhhh