
Ha!! They are ten steps ahead of us! It is the booming demand all this year that has board game companies ramping up their investments and increasing their production capacity. I bought some Hasbro stock in a day trade a few weeks back and sweet Jesus! I killed it. I wouldn't want to hold it, but, I agree with you, they are way more expensive now!

I'm looking for a good game, outside of the normal Monopoly, Chutes and Ladders and Sorry!

I am gonna get 'Operation' for the little guy. I am sure he will have a blast with the tweezers taking bits out. Then I think cluedo and monopoly and maybe game of Life. Fun times ahead!!

Maybe but some Hasbro stocks myself, lol!

FYI: The Pandemic is to blame for everything!

I blamed it last week for overcooking my chicken. Pesky pandemic!!

Haha! Just like cooking your goose, but, chicken... Wait. It sounded better in my head.

I actually feel for the young adults as they aren't social distancing and never did, so they are picking up cases right and left. You can't suck face properly with a mask on.

Pffft. I would rather overcook chicken. Sounds more fun. ;)

I can imagine how annoying it must be though, to have yet another obstacle in the way to the whole sucking random faces. It's hard enough when you are starting out in the grand game of life!

Pffft. I would rather overcook chicken. Sounds more fun. ;)

I some quite believe you! ;0)

You are way too fun!