
Hell no man.
I mean walk away.......just walk away.
I think it's mostly figurative or in my mind. Can't really ignore responsibilities now, can we?

I mean if you tell this walking away thing to the world, they'll tell you to man up (even the women - wonder what they know about manning up). Ironically enough the real meaning of manning up would actually mean to leave everything behind in dust and in your wake.

Edit: Like the way you write man, really do.

I know what you mean. However, it's all context. If things were truly bad then i think that is a valid choice. But to truly destroy your enemy you must work from within. Burrowing away until you find the subterranean reactor and then destroying all his base!

Aw man, that's evil. Evil and ingenious.
You know what - I like evil.

Hehe, me too