Eye Eye!

in #life7 years ago


My eyes were dreadfully itchy when I woke up this morning. I staggered into the bathroom and examined myself in the mirror. Before me was a fine figure of a man. I scooched closer to look at my eyes. They were bloodshot and sore looking.

Can't be hangover eyes? I thought. I didn't actually drink that much last night.

I looked at them again. It was like looking at a pair of well-chewed dog's testicles. Or to say the phrase in proper Glasgwegian.

My eyes were like dug's baws.

How quaint, my mother tongue.


I came downstairs to my loving family. They were pottering about as if I didn't have some kind of emergency eye situation going on.


I greeted them.

Morning Daddy bear.

They all chorused as if they couldn't give two hoots for the medical emergency that was going on, live, in their very own home.

I made my way to the sofa and collapsed in it with a groan. No-one ran to my aid. I whimpered slightly. No-one noticed.


I jerked upright and yelled incoherently.

My daughter looked over.

Daddy, sshh. I am trying to play.

My eyes. My beautiful eyes!

I burbled, thrashing from side to side.

The good lady looked up from her phone.

Look at the state of your eyes? You should go to the pharmacist.

I stopped thrashing about and opened one of my crusty red orbs.

Yes, yes I must.


And so I found myself in the nearest supermarket that had an in-store Pharmacist. Standing before a sullen looking woman.

How can I help you today?

She drawled at me.

I opened my crablike peepers.

Could I have some eye drops for my eyes, please? I think I have some kind of infection.

At the merest hint of self-diagnosis, the woman's hackles raised visibly. She metaphorically paced around me, growling menacingly, rope-like saliva dripping from her jaws.

What makes you think they are infected?

She narked through flared nostrils.

They are hot and itchy and red and bloodshot.

She looked cross. As if I had wrapped a red ribbon around my penis and had presented it to her as a belated Valentine.


Do you have any discharge?

Now it was my turn to look offended. Discharge? What did I look like? A man who slaps his roaring thomas into any old random?

She sighed dramatically.

From your eyes.

Yes, lots of yellow gooky mook.

What about pain?

Only from this conversation.

I beg your pardon?

Nothing. No, no pain.

She put her hand on her hip and looked at me waspishly. Fortunately, the itchy gyp from my eyes prevented me from getting a semi. She retrieved a box from a shelf behind her and plopped it on the counter.

Alright then, I suppose you can have these.

Well, thank you very much my lovely.

She flinched. Obviously unused to a man as handsome as me referring to her as lovely.

I paid for the drops and as I left I tried to wink at her but instead, due to my eyes, I just looked like an ill, crusty faced dog trying to catch a fly in its mouth.


I returned home, happy at the thought of being reunited with my loving family who would no doubt nurture me and care for me through the course of my terrible eye affliction.

I put my eye drops in and limped pathetically into the living room. No-one noticed me enter. I threw myself on to the Sofa and muttered something about resting my eyes. No-one asked how I was or where I had been for nearly an hour.

I got eye drops.

I said to the room.

That's good dear, can you take the bins out?

The good lady murmured whilst reading her Kindle.


What? Is this how a soldier is treated upon return from a victorious battle? Is this how a dragon pup is celebrated upon making it's first kill and returning to the nest? IS THIS WHAT BEING A MAN IS LIKE IN THE 21ST CENTURY??

Aye, I'll take your bins out.

I muttered darkly.

No-one noticed as I grumped from the room.


Ooh, my goodness You had a very hard battle today...I can see you felt like Napoleon in front of Moscow, frozen 😷 and unprotected...😜.
Actually, after many pains it was not so bad for You as for Napoleon. He lost and left his soldiers stuck with snow in Russia and You still returned safely at home😎😎😎 with drops to cure them.

That is very true, I got home relatively unscathed!

Now all I need is for my eyes to go back to normal and return to my soldiers in Russia! :OD


HEhe, alright then. Just the eyes :O)

It has been scientificly proven that men do suffer way more when they've have an ailment of any kind. Yes, near death experiences are very common to us when we experience any type of discomfort. It is tough to be a man in pain, with the other half of humanity not understanding. It is a burdon we have to carry, just like we carry the trash bins out, no matter what.

A heavy heavy burden. Like the ox, I carry it, along with my tribe of man.

You know what they say about near death experiences! Means you are still alive!! :OD

The world will only hear the deafening silence of our suffering, mac fir.

Yes, that is the bright side of it. :-)

A deafening but happy silence! :O)

Perhaps because of this, men write the most beautiful poems

And because of those poems we make others suffer too ;O)

And then there's that too.

Through suffering it is where art is born.

poet @meesterboom :)
Vincent Van Gogh had red beards
@ meesterboon has red eyes :D




I think it's contagious. My eyes are burning now. These aren't tears of joy, though I was able to laugh at a few things you said here today. It's some kind of liquid though, that part I know for sure. It's running down my face and coming close to my mouth. I'm afraid to taste it. If it's burning my eyes; will it be spicy?

If it is burning your eyes it will msot definitely be spicy but perhaps not good spicy but that kind of arse spicy that you do not want on your face.

What to do? Quick, smear beef paste over your face and find a dog!

I found a dog but now some lady is banging on my door and calling me a kidnapper! Quick! What do I do now! What's the next step! The dog didn't come with directions!

This bit is easy - throw the dead dog out of the window and shout to the lady that you don't have her damned dog!

Make a note yourself for next Sat night.print out some signs ' I am ill', Use at least 72 print so it can be seen, glue the sign to a piece of cardboard, sew the cardboard to the front of a beanie ready for next Sun morning/ afternoon.
Then when you make the grand entry, with the dressing gown flaring like a cloak, sign on your head, collapsing into your favourite chair even Little Boom will know you are suffering.
P.S. put the garbage out Sat night while the beer is keeping the cold at bay.

You really know my style. That is exactly how I enter the room, my dressing gown flaring out like a cloak!

I am thinking of putting the bins out on a Saturday night lol!

Ok, so lesson learned... I am not going to read anymore of your posts near any sleeping children!

I quite literally laughed, no, chorted, out loud and nearly woke a sleeping toddler! Do you have any idea how dangerous that is?!?

Of course you do, you're a dad, but I have 4 kids, 3 of which require my attention to get to that peaceful dream state. Well, let me rephrase that, they get to sleep so that I can have some peace.

In any case, with all the heaviness we parents have to deal with daily, and keeping our sweet bubbly tones and watch our mouths, a bit of humor is just what maintains our sanity sometimes, and you, dear sir, deliver like clockwork. Hilarious!

Aw thank you very much. That's a lovely comment. I find that it is the only way to get through it all, with a bit of humour!

I don't know about Glasweigioland but on this side of the pond we have something called Occulear... it's an eyewash that feels nearly orgasmic (although in my advanced years that's a fond and murky memory)

Orgasms eh! I have never heard of it over hear but if I ever see it I am buying a crate!

I got an offer of one 50% off... I asked which half and she said "the first," which was little help to me!

That's a head messer right there!

Apparently dear friend @meesterboom his wife is a very good oculist, found the remedy to the disease of his eyes, "go to take out the trash cans, with a little fresh air will cure your tear ducts.
It is so dear friend, men of the cas we can not get sick.
I hope that at this moment I have already found a relief for your sight
I wish you a happy rest

You are right, she is a medicine woman. This will mean great advances for 21st century medicine!

I must patent it! :O)

Oh my....you should find a more caring family....you have it rough at work and at home. The good lady probably knew about the vomit too the other day and did not tell you...the universe is against you my friend. You should call uncle Boom for assistance!

I think he might come a calling even if I dont call him!! :OD

Quick! Call Uncle Boom! He'll know what to do with the unsympathetic family.

I fear his attention might be a little overkill


Next time, while at the pharmacy, pick up an eye patch. Proclaim that it must be worn for 7 days. If you take it off a moment too soon, you will need to wear a patch on both eyes.

The good lady is likely too smart for that. She’ll remind you that there’s no steemit when there are two patches.

She would probably ban me from steemit if I even wore one, although the temptation is strong to try it!! ;0)

OMG Another Sunday of suffering for the Daddy Bear ... The problems of Daddy Bear, are always associated with drinking ... Try a Saturday and do not drink much, just do the beer tasting, and there and you will see the difference When you get up on Sunday: quiet, without discomfort and almost certainly you can play football with your friends, watch a good movie with the Good Lady and at night you make dinner, wonderful Sunday! What do you think? ... By the way, I think you made a good friend: the woman in charge of the pharmacy ...

Haha, but I like Sundays the way they are!! ;0)

Perfect, then we do not want any more complaints on Sundays. LOL...Greetings

Damn it all to hell? No sympathy for a clearly ailing man? That is just not right!

I know, the universe is clearly out of kilter!

It’s possible I called your manhood into question in my post this morning too?

Never! The holy manhood?!?! ;O)

Dude I feel your pain from this far - how didn't any body else notice?

Maybe this is the reality of the situation. It's as if men don't deserve the space they live in. The reality is most of the living space created in this world is made by men toiling around in sun and rain.

Sometimes I wonder - maybe we should just walk away from this farce.

You mean like end it? Take the final step into the light?

Yikes. That might be taking it a bit far ;O)

Hell no man.
I mean walk away.......just walk away.
I think it's mostly figurative or in my mind. Can't really ignore responsibilities now, can we?

I mean if you tell this walking away thing to the world, they'll tell you to man up (even the women - wonder what they know about manning up). Ironically enough the real meaning of manning up would actually mean to leave everything behind in dust and in your wake.

Edit: Like the way you write man, really do.

I know what you mean. However, it's all context. If things were truly bad then i think that is a valid choice. But to truly destroy your enemy you must work from within. Burrowing away until you find the subterranean reactor and then destroying all his base!

Aw man, that's evil. Evil and ingenious.
You know what - I like evil.

Hehe, me too

just I am going to bed for sleep. remembering mysterious milk and chilling beer. Thinking what next after reading it. Just lol and accidentally smash my head on the wood side of the bed. After that still smiling 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅

As long as you are still smiling then all is not lost :O)

you are the man 😇

HAhahah, I have heard it said

ow .. the microbial stuff was my obsession. this is annoying.
Are you better now ?
I wanted to see how you blink hehe: D

Lol, I am blinking crustily hehe! The drops are helping

Do you drink black tea do not know.
but if you dip cotton in the warmish tea and put it on your closed eyes
it will comfort you.

I will try it. Anything is better than nothing!

turkish method :)

Bahahahaha, totally been there. I have been told that my "man cold" shouldn't prevent me from fulfilling my duties. ??? Sometimes you just want to curl up and die but make sure the trash is out first dear.

Yes indeed, it looks like the bins is the ultimate trump card in this bitter game of life!

Almost too much! I read this to my husband and some how he identified with it! Hmmm can't imagine. I hope your eyes feel better! Fun post! Thanks!

Hehe, now how on earth could he identify... Lol! Glad you liked!

I returned home, happy at the thought of being reunited with my loving family who would no doubt nurture me and care for me through the course of my terrible eye affliction.

lol No-one noticed me enter. No-one asked how I was or where I had been for nearly an hour. Can you take the trash out...
This reminds me kind of my life. Honey, don’t eat like a pig, chew your food 50 times, sit straight, do you love me? How much?. I’m the family butler and when I ask for something they look at me with this weird look. But I guess that’s the world we married man live in. BTW: sorry for your itchy eye, I hope these drops helped.

They are starting to help. It's the cross we bear :O)

hahaha... on

have you got discharge

have you got sore eyes?
pink eyes?
or just too much Steemiting XD !
I hope its better now chico

It is improving slightly with the drops. I am quite glad. It might have been a combination of the steeming and the filth of baby rearing! :O)

get well soon then!

Damned Eyes, again! They are haunting me.
How can it be possible, maybe our minds are connected. Because I also posted about eyes!
There is nothing wrong with the red ribbon wrapped around the dong-dong presented on Valentine's day! It should be held high with pride.

I shall hold my valentine gift high :O)

Eyes are a Sunday thing I guess!

I hope the drops helped?

Well, good thing you have your ever attentive readers to show some pretend compassion - except mine if course -- I totally didn't laugh through the post, and try to sound solemn in the comment box.

I think they are helping already. I have not had the urge to rub my eyes until they are bulging like hernias!

I love pretend compassion, its the best! ;O)

I hope that you will recover fast from your eye infection. I'm a little bit angry that your family do not care about your sickness. Be patient, meesterboom. Upvoted!

Hehe, they do care they just aren't giving me the attention a man deserves ;0)

Talk about some eye candy YIKES!!!!

Watch where you put your paws, old Boomster LOL

I am being very careful with them! Lol

awww! if I was there, I would take you to the doctor myself!

Haha, the drops seem to be helping!

Glad to hear that <3 Get well soon @boomy

I am fine never fear!

Its care not fear!

I'm assuming if you drove to the pharmacy they can't have been that bad. But I appreciate your exaggeration for dramatic effect. It was a good story as usual.

You know me, I exaggerate a little for the comedic affect! They are bloody annoying!!

I think you might have missed an opportunity to milk your affliction for the sympathy and coddling you so richly deserved. If your eyes were really that bad, you could have just walked into a door or something while taking the bins out, then after you got back from having stitches at the hospital, the good lady and daughter would have fixed you soup or something nice.

I am quite certain they would have. Or maybe they would have asked me to put the coffee on and make dinner :0)

Well whatever they did, I'm sure you would have found some humor in the situation :)

well luckily your eyes were not stuck shut... that really would have been a dilema.

It would have been, how would have I have gotten the dog to lick my eyeballs as he likes to do in the morning!?

I guess most of us don't get the tender loving care as man. We are expected to be strong. Hope your eyes are getting better! I ever had a minor operation to remove a lump near my ear. After remove the stitches, I still had this tube with bottle for discharge of blood for a while. I discovered that my ear still has a long cut that did not heal and had to go back on my own with the bottle of blood still in my hand. My wife did not accompany me too. A man must act like a man and I went back for more stitches while I am fully awake!

That's mannity for you!! I have since received some sympathy so I am a happy man :0)

"What about pain?
Only from this conversation."
AUAUHAUHAUHAUAH I wish I can reply like this to my boss every fucking day.

We have similar bosses then lol!!!

Nothing like having a loving and caring family! That's the problem when you're Top Donk, dudester. Everyone just assumes that you aren't ailing even if blood is spewing from you. As long as you can walk, they think that you can dominate. Maybe they thought you have never needed your eyes and that you navigated through sonar?

Pharmacists, ugh. Don't get me started.

Sonar eh!! Might be an option!!

Yeah, pharmacists drive me nuts. Gaar!!!

Ever since I read Daredevil, I kept trying to go about my days with my eyes closed. The training has served me well, especially when I get migraines. I could navigate city blocks without even needing to open my eyes. I do take peeks to be sure where I am though. I'm not that proficient haha!

It's been proven that men do suffer a lot more if they have any more illness should carry a heavy burden.

I do believe that is so!

This is very nice story.You have express dreamfully eye.You have written this blog with enjoyment word,For that i able keep my interesting to read whole story.I appreciate that.Keep it up.


i just lauded you.

And I you sir!

eye health is an important issue
be careful

It is a very important thing!

Wooww very good i like it post you

Thank you

okay the same boss I'm glad to get to know you 😀


not wise just to want more advanced can only help people who need so I need your help.

I am not sure how I could possibly help!

I just need support on my blog
because that result will be me for the children in need in my place

"No-one noticed" seems to be repeating itself ...

Haha, it was indeed!!

the only question i have to ask is..

Who does your graphics for you? i mean the graphics on the first picture/thumbnail

ME! I do them for me!

wow that is a really cool stuff. I can imagine the amount of time you put in before you make posts like this.

by the way, i am a graphics and arts enthusiast in case i didnt mention. lol

Ah tht explains the question!

I do make a bit of effort. It adds to the whole piece as it were :O)

yea. The design is dope.

it has this vintage fill. Maybe it is from your font and use of colour

Lol, I thought it was one of my poorer ones, probably because I made the eyes different sizes by accident and didn't notice till the end! But Cheers!

thanks, what software did you use?

by the way, i guess it's high time i followed you for more inspiration


lol great. have a nice day ahead

Omg you are so funny! I loved this. Following :)

Ps. I hope your eyes get better soon!

So do I! Cheers!

Hahahah I like the Scottish slang My eyes were like dug's baws. I hope you will be well soon...My well wishes to ya

O my goodness - this abuse has gone too far LOL - A man's job is never done

men write the most beautiful

They do and I have done!

They do and I have done!

very good publication excellent content friend I like, I hope you can visit my blog maybe you like something friend, good night.

You never know!