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RE: Ulysses

in #life2 years ago

I would rather eat rancid meat from a tramp's buttocks than socialise with my work colleagues

What a delightful visage. Pure ripples of delicious decadent feasting.

Maybe suggest to Ulysses that he's not so up-to-date if he can't communicate telepathically. You're reminding me of what utter hell it was to work in a corporate office, lol.


Corporate offices are worse now I think than ever before. Mine actually used to be kinda fun.

I would say something about telepathy but for the fear of being told that no one under the age of 30 uses telepathy anymore! :OD

Back in time somewhere, there was an element of fun. I left the corporate world some years back due to toxicity of environment for all and here, these places are all the same. I went into a different field that, hahaha, presented another set of challenges.

Kick fear to the curb and hit any challenges to telepathy back with further outlandish tale spinning. I know you're good at telling stories. It can be quite entertaining to do so (at least in my experience). Maybe I'm thinking too much of bullfrogs here.

If only every situation was as easily solved as a bullfrog solves a bunch of crickets.

I try to stay out of all of the nonsense in the workplace but it seems the older I get the harder it is. I never quite understand these people who live to work.

I am sure you will crush it have crushed the challenges in your other field. If not, I demand it be so!! :0)

If only, but one bite never fits all. I hold you accountable for my bullfrog addiction, lol.

It is best to avoid the nonsense, but as you say, it's getting harder to avoid. My sense of humour kicks into full gear then. Live to work is not something I've ever understood either. There's so much more to life, so much more.

I did crush it in the new field...hanging with criminals is an amazing learning opportunity. Nothing illegal on my part, was working in the field of criminal defense (legal assistant & office manager). Oh the stories, the best stories of all jobs come from that field, LOLOL.

That sounds quite dashed fascinating! Working in IT like I do can be awfully dull. It's full of awkward dweebs staring at women's bums and making weird eye contact with them.

I'm well familiar with IT, which is why I've avoided going in that direction. Not the dullness, but rather the fact that others demands drives one mad after a while. (Recalls some strange creatures from previous jobs). Maybe that's why the staring at women's bums and making weird eye contact thing is a coping strategy?

Lol. It could be a coping strategy!

Yeah, IT is full of the demands from other areas of IT. It makes for a very annoying time. You are well out of it!