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RE: A Christmas Sale

in #life3 years ago

Sheesh mate! haven't you a password set to re-enter the operating system once you've flipped the laptop screen closed?

Wadda hazard if you don't!! LoL

Glad to see your funny stuff on my feed one more time my friend. And yeah, I hope you are enjoying big time of a Happy Holidays! :)


Passwords!?! Didn't someone once say they are for the weak!?

We have no truck with passwords in this house. She won't let me!!! :0F


Passwords!?! Didn't someone once say they are for the weak!?

Yeah! only singletons say that.

We have no truck with passwords in this house. She won't let me!!! :0F

You see? you are already a class apart my dear friend. :D

I don't think I am top of that class... Hahahaha!!!

"Scabies with pleasure doesn't itch"