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RE: A Hat Made Of Bacon

in #life3 years ago

Do you actually kick people in the fucking pish flaps when you were in the office? XD

Bacon hat? I...don't want to know but am morbidly curious and too scared to look it up XP


Lol. I probably don't. I world hate to say never because the time may come when done fucking pishflaps need a right good kicking! :0D

Never look things up when your gut says no. Lol!!

!ENGAGE 30 !

You "probably" don't? XD

True never say never :D

My gut is smugly telling me something along the lines of what has been seen cannot be unseen so I'm guessing it won't be too traumatising but I may have some at least mild regrets so I'm going to continue cowarding out XD

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