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RE: @haejin still raping the reward pool! @ned WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO ADDRESS THIS ISSUE??

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

It's not 6%, that's off by a decimal place @berniesanders. (Real value is 0.6%) Not sure why displays it as such, but if you check another service, such as, you will see the correct value, which is 0.6% (of course, that is still a rather large chunk! I'm a stickler for details, though :P)

Edit: I just did ran the "Coming Author Rewards" feature on Steemworld for @haejin, and it calculated it at 1% of the rewards pool. (As I stated, this is still quite large!)

Note: this comment is meant to be neutral and focus on getting the facts straight. I support each stakeholder's right to vote as they see fit. I am intrigued by this mysterious whale @ranchorelaxo that has appeared seemingly out of nowhere as well. Has anyone investigated this in detail?

Upvoting this comment for visibility and to counter the hysteria caused by the erroneous 6% figure.

I do want to also mention that I have been reading @haejin's blog since he was making only $5 a post before he went viral, and more importantly, watching his videos which is where the most substantial aspect of his added value to the Steemit/cryptocurrency community comes in. Though the posts are quite brief and could be construed to be somewhat vague (as lampooned by @netuoso) the videos are often up to 30 minutes and go into great detail on Eliot wave analysis and chart pattern recognition (something he has been practicing for over 15 years.) He has a lot of YouTube followers and they make Steemit accounts just to comment on his analysis, which is partly why he has so many followers on Steemit.


I am aware that some believe that technical analysis is total bunk, and not surprisingly, they are generally the ones who are not themselves trained in the art. As plenty of others have stated, part of @haejin's recent success is due to the fact that he has correctly anticipated quite a few movements in cryptocurrencies, which has caused many of his followers to become rather wealthy. Therefore, the firepower to upvote him increases more rapidly than other bloggers.

Again, I support anyone's right to upvote as well as downvote as they see fit, but I just wanted to weigh in from the perspective of someone who has benefited in the past from his tutorials, general knowledge, and more specific recommendations. I also wanted to make sure that the correct figure for the potential rewards was displayed, as it is currently inaccurate on

I want to also mention that I respect your approach to correcting the rewards pool distribution because I know there is zero financial incentive to do so. You and @transisto are some of the few that seem willing to counter abuse by sacrificing monetary gain and I appreciate that. I admired the transparency when you were posting on @yougotflagged as well.

My apologies for this mini-essay and the self-voting, but I want to further the discussion here. Trying to see both sides to the best of my ability. Peace.


I am intrigued by this mysterious whale @ranchorelaxo that has appeared seemingly out of nowhere as well. Has anyone investigated this in detail?

I'm sure someone has already answered this, but this is what I gather from my own investigation.

-rancho showed up here about 10 months ago and laid mostly dormant.
-7 months ago started buying massive amounts of steem
-@ned reached out to him around this time asking him to "ping" him on
-2 months later, @theprophet0 reached out again asking him to ping him on
-15 days ago, he started upvoting @haejin's posts eventually to the tune of 10,775.09
-he also upvoted himself 3 times for like $1000.
-he also upvoted one other person for $10.
-Note the numbers above changed during my analysis (going lower) I'm not sur if that was due to downvotes or changes in the price of steem. I was using steemit more info chrome plugin for the data.
-@haejin reached out to rancho when the upvotes started with the following: "I am very grateful for your upVote! Thank You! If you'd like a crypto analyzed, please don't hesitate to let me know!"
-@Ranchorelaxo has no other interactions that I saw other than a single comment ("great post") on a post that he didn't upvote.

Other findings
-@haejin's content seems legit
-he was very successful and had many followers long before rancho came around
-many of his supporters seem to have came here for him or because of him
-many of his supporters have no idea who rancho is (or that he was giving haejin 11k in upvote) and think this campaign is about his success due to their upvotes.
-@haejin doesn't seem to mention @ranchorelaxo by name to his followers.

That last one may not be true, but I haven't seen it...but he has a lot of posts and I haven't gone through all of them. I'm upvoting this for visibility. Please don't downvote me. If I got something wrong, I'll change it, but this is my account from what I have seen so far and according to my notes and recollection, but I am tired as fuck. So I may have gotten something wrong.

@berniesanders is profiting from attacking other people. Every comment he makes he gets money. Every post now that he makes, he makes insane amounts of money. $1,000???? His other posts get nowhere near that! He is just trying to profit. He also has the same few people following him around upvoting every comment. And then he downvotes everything someone says about him and his same 50-60 upvoters then come and downvote you. I’m not saying haejin deserves all of his rewards, but at least he is providing us with something useful while Bernie simply profits off of attacking haejin and everyone else who opposes Ernie. Watch, i will probably be downvoted by his group. @haejin provides us with analysis that has earned us money. He teaches us about the technical analysis. He allows for us to comment with our own analysis and he will help us improve it to be more accurate. He does 1-on-1 lessons. What does @berniesanders do? Not as much as @haejin in terms of providing useful content.

waht goes around comes around, If Steemit had moderators it would be Bernie that would be barred. And all his steem power taken off him, that may be the pay

Very true

haejin does a good job, i've recommended him to many friends.

he's just doing what steemit community is supposed to do:
providing good content.

while others are cheating with bots and stuff...
i hope hate speech wont become the new trend here.

thank you! this BernieSanders and his gang of flaggers have been profiting by promoting censorship and suppression of free will on the blockchain, we must all unite against them so they do not get away with it

Nice comment : )

thank you, I am glad I was not the only one noticing this pattern

This comment should be higher up.

He using techniques like ------ as I don't know the theory name but I will explain the theory in a brief manner. Now here it goes. It works great when you already have lots of followers. Suppose you have 5000 followers, you said half of them that market is going to go down and another half the vice versa. Now you got nothing loose. Now suppose the market falls down, so the 50% followers says he was right and remaining another half you repeat this loop . In between this new followers will be added as word of mouth etc. And he made them join the loop. So this is going to be run infinite times. Till it exhausted.

Uh... Only he can't split the message like that... He's publicly and veritably either right or wrong. What you describe is an age old scam, and is 100% not what Haejin does.

slapbox@ I should I have similar instead of like. People who earn money like that never show their true face to the public. And I don't know Haejin personally neither did you. So please don't reply to this post.

If I write technical analysis i treat it like weather report. It must hold to great extend. Better is your prediction and more constant, better are your skills. I'm still minnow and I have to enforce myself but I always encourage my readers to check my previous analyses to check that they holds.

Try and check here, I be glad to hear your opinion and comments.

@haejin had established itself here on steemit also. He have knowledge and I respect that most. What he had done whit his earnings is not a nice theme to comment. I always recommending minding your own businesses.

Interesting opinion thanks. It was fair. I can see that complaining on a new whale will cause monetary gain as well. hmmmm still worth reading

the things you do for money...

But can't we downvote, ignore, mute, unfollow and report as spam to proactively deal with this issue?

I'm new to Steem and made my #introduceyourself only a few hours ago as my first post. Was surprised to see a few people commenting, following and request that I follow and upvote them back. Have a look at their profiles and it's a mish-mash of spam, apparent botnetting and other such dubious practices.

As i'm so new, i'd love to see a guide as to how we can all proactively quash such practices using whatever processes we have at our disposal on this platform.

oh my gut


I am a grateful newbie, and would greatly appreciate any guidance on how I may better be an effective curator, on this marvelous platform.

Best thing to do is not get caught up in this drama. The developers and witnesses will get things figured out about how to get this place running optimally, eventually. Keep your head down till then.

a good advice to newbies

Best advice I've seen 😬

@haejin is so popular because he provides FREE cryptocurrency analysis and training to everyone in the community. He absolutely deserves all the upvotes that he gets! He gets 6% based on merit and based on providing content that the community finds valuable! This is exactly what blockchain and decentralization is about - WE the users decide what we find valuable and those are the ones that rise. Keep up the amazing work @haejin and don't let bullies deter you!

This post got a thousand dollars. great content apparently...

really glad to read your explanation on this issue. Thanks.

what's wrong if the person work hard and deserved what he earn, isn't steemit about that ? anyone can take the place of this guy or can earn much better if he do his best, why a lot of people are angry about that, keep calm, work hard, post everyday, record good video and share them and you will be like him or even better.

It is nothing about "we" and all about "you". The art of dealing with comments on your blog is a personal decision you do not make "once for all". It is up to your mood, your generosity to overlook bad behavior or to try to correct it. If you are having a good flow, get nice and supportive or in a good way challenging comments than some spamming comments won't bother you. If you for some reason are disturbed you'll react on how you feel in that second. In my view there is no "general treatment" but only a reaction you want yourself to be visible (or not).

Sometimes you care, sometimes not. If you would bind yourself to a certain strict way of dealing you'll lose easiness. That is how I see it.

What @haejin does by looking at charts to predict prices is called 'chartism' and it's not without its criticisms with some experts calling it 'a form of financial astrology'. Chartism is guided by the philosophy of "history repeats itself" which is never a safe bet in mature markets. Most all crypto currency has gone up and almost anyone invested has made money whether they follow @haejin advice or not.

Maybe @haejin doesn't deserve so many followers because we think he has low-quality posts but he seems to be going about his posting honestly. Hopefully any changes to Steemit would encourage higher quality posts more than punishing lower quality posts.

I am agreed it is really appreciable

Nice write-up and also a nifty link there. I'm off fiddling with it for a while now :P

vote up

Thanks - this comment helped me understand the rage going on between these two and their followers!

You have collected your daily Power Ups! Your posts received total upvotes worth of 13.37$.
Learn how to power up smart here!

I totally agree with you, this all sounds ignorant..if 1 source says 1 thing and another says the opposite, then forsure there is something wrong here.

Do you have a link to steemworld?
I'd like to see that tool.

Bernie, flag this shit from russian propagandist called as clarityofsignal!

I appreciate you trying to see both sides. Do you mind correcting your incorrect statement which says “ zero financial incentive to do so”?

If you look at his post he makes a lot of money through up votes by slandering other people and attacking them.

I hope you correct that statement because there are many new users who may believe you. 🤗

 7 years ago (edited) Reveal Comment

If you agree that psychology isn't completely random and/or agree that self-fulfilling prophecy, by way of a sufficient volume of people basing their investment decisions on a similar belief (in this case: price pattern or "signal"), is something that can, and sometimes does happen, then you can't completely reject the claim that there is real value in analyzing chart patterns.

Hardly anything in this world is black or white, as much as the purely rational minded would prefer it not to be so. Regarding empirical based knowledge, at best, we can rate things (hypothesis or what-have-you) along a "spectrum of proof" and nothing has ever, or will ever, hit either extreme (if only because we can't prove that we even exist in the first place).

You're painting technical analysis (TA) as if it's pure black (provably bogus), but, statistically speaking, there ARE relatively strong correlations within the practice of TA that demonstrate statistical significance in predicting future price performance (compared to randomly assigning a guess as to whether price will move up or down), so, if anything, it's more on the white side of the spectrum, if not high up that spectrum.

i often check heajin posts and astrology charts.

both are accurate.

It's clear to me that you're either biased or ignorant on this topic.

At first glance, TA might look like a lot of attempts at practicing voodoo on price or simply letting one's own inner child out to play around with crayons on a price chart, but I assure you there's ample data to prove to a high degree of certainty (as the sample pool is rather large at this point in time) that it's not all bogus.

There are favorable odds attached to trading certain re-occurring patterns within the markets (eg "ascending triangles", "falling wedges", etc), when using their traditional trading rules. They only work out to somewhere between 55 and 60% favorable, but that is actually quite significant when compared to simply tossing a coin and choosing whether to take a trade or not based on the outcome.

Theories as to why these patterns play out? They're abound. It seems reasonable to me that human psychology isn't completely random. Assuming that's true, humans can't react randomly to price -- there should be at least a little bit of predictability in how each individual and, therefore, the market, reacts to any given set of circumstances. If that's true, then real patterns will play out based on their reactions. That's what we see when we analyze price charts.

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

You're a funny guy @introvertspeaks, but you're a lousy troll ;)

I guess it comes down to one simple concept here: you have one opinion, I another.

Best of luck to you.

I don't see any problem with Bernies upvoted comments or trending posts regarding the reward pool, because he uses his rewards mostly for countering highly paid bs posts. With that in mind, he is doing a wonderful job for the whole steem world. And as he stated, he paid a huge amount of SBD for getting the attention of other whales.

We all should try to see the whole picture. Maybe Haejin is a good technical analyst, but why should an account of an already well paid man take a huge part of the rewards out of the pool, which actually is intended to be for all of us? Should the minnows really deserve less rewards, because of the good work of one person?

The incorrectly calculated percentage of 6% on brought me to implementing it to the steemworld so that we can see the real values from now on. I'm thinking about adding some kind of "reward pool rape index" at the top for each account so that we are able to detect such cases in an easier way.

But I think the 1% makes no difference, because it tells us the same story. Someone takes a huge amount of the available rewards by creating many posts on a daily basis. This fact shows me that it can't have taken so much time to create them. Some of us work for days or even weeks for making one post that then ends in a $100 payout. Maybe we really need kind of a post limit again...

Anyway, great job @berniesanders! As soon as I find time for it, I will add some "extras" in my tool for better detecting this kind of accounts in the future ;)

This looks really odd to me (all from the top of the trending page):

As I have seen in his youtube videos, he uses my tools, but I have never received an upvote from him. Why, when he begs for upvotes at the end of each video with the reason that hard work should deserve votes?

My german post for introducing my new tool (steemworld) is at $192 and it took me months to develope it. I'm not complaining about my rewards but I think it's an interesting comparison...

Same here dude, working hard on developing tools for Steem and im lucky that i have the backing of a couple of people who have some contacts. Still, im only getting in the range of tens of dollars per post for stuff that im spending hours working on.

"reward pool rape index"

I am begging for this index to be published - please make it available immediately. This is a project for utopianio.

I'm in awe of the idea that a heavy hitter with fans would be treated like this.

  • The guy's a hit!
  • He's pretty darn accurate!
  • He's doing a great job posting, commenting, interacting, and teaching!
  • He brought rich fans!

"Let's kill him." says steemit.

This place is a never ending amusement park of insanity. Now that you have all played with the big kids today, please go comment on 3 posts of authors between 35-45 rep. You do not even have to upvote them. Just make a comment so they don't think they are posting into a black hole.

This small, generous action on your part will improve the place more than anything else you can do today.

Remember that we get less than 3 comments per post and so many are very lonely. Comment to little guys daily, and we might have less than 97% of them die off right when things are getting good.

Such index would be nice to have, but its calculation should be very well thought through. A percentage alone can not tell the whole story for all people. As you've mentioned, the possibility exists that it's a rich person who brought a super huge stake. I don't want to kill famous people on steemit just because they are famous, but the fame should be shared within the whole steem world and it may be difficult to take care of it without manual work...

"Let's kill him." says steemit.

"Let's adjust the rewards a bit" would sound better to me.

"Some of us work for days or even weeks for making one post that then ends in a $100 payout." If only time spent creating a product actually mattered to the end user.

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment
 7 years ago  Reveal Comment
 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

Yeah, I always laugh deeply when I see his wonderful comments. He's one of the best comedians that we have here... ^^ Maybe we should make a "Best of Bernies Wordings" compilation :)

He may sound a bit rough for some people, but in most cases there is really a truth to discover in his words...

There is an entire article about this topic that lays out the points form both camps here give it a read, it may be a good place for the adults to talk without all the mudslinging and other silliness.

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment
 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

If I upvote this does it mean I agree with bernie on this screen cast, cause there is a lot of shilling going on

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

Most of the money for this post were all paid for by Bernie him self, it COST him a lot to make this post and he made it to bring attention to something.

We can all agree or disagree and that is our right/choice, yet he did NOT make the money on this post, he paid for it to bring attention to something he felt was important.

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

Well agree or disagree as I said he put up the money and is not making money on the post. Also this is not reddit its Steemit so only makes sense to bring exposure to the platform in question.

There are plenty of things that happen here that I disagree with but that doesnt mean that they are morons because I disagree.

I also dont feel that calling people names even if they do something distasteful helps anything either.

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

agree with you

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

that is not how bots work, mate...

bitches and coke!

research the term sockpuppet, that is what most bots actually are: automated sockpuppets.

Just because you can use some as boosters does not mean bot = booster.

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment
 7 years ago  Reveal Comment
 7 years ago (edited) Reveal Comment