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RE: Differing Degrees Of Freedom

in #story6 months ago

It's not totally about being financially comfortable but I think having to worry about money less frees up more bandwidth for acknowledging and working on other things.

I'm so glad that we're able to enjoy that and experience the benefits of it! It's so important when you're a writer to be in a good place, so the muse can flow freely. Meditation helps me but I there are times when I have to physically exhaust myself to get to that place of relaxation and contentment. It's the best feeling in the world when it happens!

Thank you, my friend! I feel very lucky to be aware of all this. I wish there was a way to wave a magic wand and make others see it too.


I think there is. By being. By not hiding your awareness, you inevitably make others see it, even sometimes without going out of your way to pull them by the hand and say "over here". :) Who knows who read this just now and it got wheels spinning in their heads :)

I hope, at least.

I love that! : ) That's my hope sometimes that something I've written will be that tiny spark that ignites a fire in someone. The world could handle less people going through the motions and sleepwalking through their lives.