Go for 100 next workout!

in #workout7 years ago

Hello Athletes!
I hope your weeks have gone well and you're just a little BETTER, in some way, than you were on Monday. As you go into the weekend, remember your WHY. Stick to your plan. Weekends tend to trip up lots of people. Schedules are relaxed, fun stuff is planned...and that's great. Just don't backslide and lose all the progress you made this week. DEAL?

OK, here we go.
Have you ever done 100 repetitions of an exercise? We have a few "Hundreds" workouts in the 212workout.com library which you may have done so you'd know what a challenge it can be.

It's not something I'd recommend doing daily or even every week, but every now and again I LOVE to throw it into my workouts.
Here's why:

You realize what you can actually do. We tend to get stuck in a rut with the weights we use, the number of repetitions we do, etc. And subconsciously we start to think "This is what I can do!" when in reality you can almost always do more. So psychologically, doing something like a Hundreds workout works wonders for your confidence and breaking through the mental blocks we all tend to put in place with routine.

It stimulates muscles in a very different way than most of us are used to. Take an Olympic level sprinter (so super fit) and put him through a marathon (or vise versa) and he'll likely be sore for days simply because regardless of how fit you are, change things up and our bodies are challenged in different ways. It will stimulate growth in ways you haven't been exposed to yet and lead to BETTER results.

So, how do we actually DO hundreds?

You can add a set of 100 of a particular exercise into a regular workout. So finish off an upper body day with 100 pushups or 100 dips. End a 1/2 hour of running with 100 lunges or 100 stepups (100 per leg, don't cheat yourself!!).

Or, you could do a full workout where you do everything in sets of 100! It can be super challenging depending on how you set it up. I love a good full body 100's workout. I'll pick 6-10 exercises that'll cover all the muscle groups, warmup, then have at it! You can time yourself and try it again in a month to beat your time. You can also break it up and do 20 reps of each exercise going through the list 5 times, or do 100 straight reps through each exercise before going to the next. Make sense?

Here's a little sample you could try this weekend. Do 100 repetitions of each!
Walking lunges
TRX Rows (or resistance band rows or dumbbell bent over rows)
V-Ups (abs)
Air squats
Supermans (laying face down lift arms and legs)
Side shuffles (shuffle about 15 feet, count each length as 1)
Burpees (with or without pushups)

That's it! If you have any questions or would like some other ideas on how to incorporate this into your next workout just let me know!


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