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RE: My Dogs Shine A Light | Ladies Of Hive Contest #100

in Ladies of Hive2 years ago

I've just read your sister's post @gejami, I'm so sorry for what happened to your family. . I understand how hard your family has worked to get through this tough time. It is said that the two most difficult things in life are losing someone we love and moving on from that loss. I'm not sure which is harder. You experience both. When you are feeling depressed, it can be hard to imagine how you could possibly help someone else.

Dog is one of the most loyal and loving animals on the planet. They are always there for us, no matter what, give us unconditional love. I'm glad Rowan was there for you and became your truly best friend.

10k is a lot but you learned something.

the most important thing is and remains that you continue to have faith in yourself and in the people you love.

I love it and your positive vibes. No matter what life throws our way, don't lose the hope in ourselves and people we love. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger and I believe that nothing or anyone can make you down.

This is a great entry, we really appreciated your time and effort


Thanks for your well thought comment. I appreciate it very much.

Sorry that I didn't reply to you sooner, I was caught by a flu and had to deal with some anxiety last week. So therefor I had to step back and get my mindset right again.

Writing this particular blog brought back some anxiety from the past and take with that the fact that I was weak because of flu, and I fell back in a black rabbit hole.

Thank God for the dogs again, and my partner and sister.

thank you, and yess it was a hard time. We have lost our parent within nearly 2 years, and that's hard, emotional very tough, and i had the distraction of going to work, than come home in my little house, with the garden, created from the inheretance of my parents, and my little dog. My sis has her home to, but it didn't feel home for her for a long time, after a difficult time for her (for me also, because when she went away in the middle of the night, with strangers i didn't trust, i was worried sick sometimes, but i had to let her be "wild" and free, and contact me at her time) and when she bought her white fluf Rowan, it became a home for her, a little time. But as always, the living has to move ons, pick up their life's again, and that's exactly what we have done, first together in a house, and after a while seperately, we got to know our current partners and settle both in our own way.